Particulars according to § 5 Telemedia Act (TMG):

Michael Muthig Consulting
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 21
95482 Gefrees


M +49 160 948 360 56


VAT Identification Number according to §27 a Value Added Tax Act (UStG):


Accountable for contents according to § 55 Par. 2 RStV:

Michael Muthig
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 21
95482 Gefrees

Source: eRecht24


Legal Liability for Contents

According to § 7 Par.1 TMG, we as service provider are responsible for our own contributions to these pages. §§ 8 to 10 TMG do not place us as service provider under obligation to monitor other transmitted or stored information nor to look for evidence that points to illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block access of information according to general law are unaffected. Liability in this case is only possible from the moment of an actual infringement. Upon receiving information about a respective infringement contents will be promptly removed.

Legal Liability for Links

Our scope of service offers links to external websites of third parties on which contents we do not have any influence. Therefore, we cannot assume liability for contents of these external websites. The respective provider or operator of the websites is solely responsible for the contents of the linked pages. Linked pages have been scrutinized for possible infringements upon the process of linking. However, a constant review of linked external pages is unreasonable without concrete indication of an infringement. Upon receiving information about a respective infringement those links will be promptly removed.


Content and works created by the website operators on these sites are subject to German copyright law. Duplication, processing, circulation or any kind of utilization beyond the limits of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author. Downloading and copying of this site is only permitted for the private, non commercial use. As far as the contents of this site have not been created by the site operator, copyrights of third parties have been respected. We have made sure that contents of third parties are expressly marked. Should you however become aware of a copyright infringement, we kindly ask you to inform us. Upon receiving information about a respective infringement those contents will be promptly removed.